New Member Welcome

Welcome! On behalf of the Georgia Professional Human Services Association (GPHSA), we would like to welcome you to our association! We are very excited to add new members who always bring new ideas and energy to our organization.

GPHSA is an organization of human services professionals, striving to attain excellence in our work and profession. Networking with one another is our most valuable tool in being successful in our career. You will have many opportunities to become acquainted with members of our organization, including our New Member Orientation held monthly via Zoom. We hope you will take advantage of serving on a committee and encourage you to pick up the phone and network with members on an informal basis. You may visit committee meetings to see which interest you the most, and if you would like to join a committee, talk with the Chairperson and they will help you out with that.

We extend a personal invitation to you to contact any member of the GPHSA leadership team at any time with suggestions and/or feedback to help our organization better meet the needs of our members.

GPHSA is your advocate, your source of credible information, and your professional network. Our mission is to support YOU, the professional staff who serve Georgia’s individuals, families, and children when they need it most.  Benefits of your membership include quarterly networking events, our Annual Conference, the GPHSA Newsletter, access to the best and brightest of your peers across the State, and the ability to apply for grant funding for education or conferences that are otherwise not able to be paid with State funds.

Thank you for joining GPHSA. We appreciate your presence and look forward to your involvement in our organization.


Tanisha Moreland

GPHSA Vice President

Chair, Membership Committee

A man only learns by two things; one is by reading and the other is association with smarter people.

Will rogers